15 Of the Best Unique Travel Journal Ideas and Tips

Personal Finance and Development Feb 15, 2023
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Travel Journal Ideas
Table of Contents
  1. What is a travel journal?
  2. Benefits of a travel journal
  3. How to start a travel journal
  4. Tips for creating a travel journal
  5. 15 of the best unique travel journal ideas
  6. How to store and share your travel journal
  7. Travel journal accessories
  8. Travel journal apps
  9. Travel journal inspiration
  10. How to preserve your travel journal
  11. Conclusion

Whether you’re planning a trip of a lifetime anywhere on the world map, or just looking for a creative way to document your everyday life adventures, travel journalling is the perfect way to capture your memories and experiences.

In this article, we’ll explore what a travel journal is and why you should start one and make sure you have it part of your packing list.

We further look at how to create a unique and meaningful travel journal with some creative travel journal ideas.

We’ll also explore 15 of the best unique travel journal ideas and tips to help you get started.

So, let’s dive in!

What is a travel journal?

A travel journal is a type of journal or diary that records a person’s experiences and observations during a journey.

It can be used to capture everything from the sights and sounds of a city to the emotions and lessons learned during a trip.

Travel journals can be written in any format, from a traditional diary to a creative scrapbook.

Benefits of a travel journal

Travel journaling has many benefits.

It can help you remember and reflect on the moments that made up your journey.

It can also help you stay organized, plan for future trips, and share your stories with friends and family.

Additionally, a travel journal can be an incredibly meaningful way to document your life and experiences.

How to start a travel journal

The first step to creating a travel journal is to decide on a format.

Do you want to write in a traditional travel diary or travel bullet journal?

Or are you looking for something more creative, like a scrapbook?

Once you’ve decided on a format, you’ll need to gather supplies such as paper, pens, and any other materials you need to get started with your own journal.

Tips for creating a travel journal

When creating your travel journal, it’s important to remember that the most important thing is to have fun!

There are so many great ideas, there are no rules when it comes to creating a travel journal, so don’t be afraid to express yourself and let your creativity shine.

Here are some additional tips to help you create a travel journal that’s truly unique and meaningful:

  • Start each entry with a date and location. This will help you keep track of where you’ve been and when. You could even have different travel journal pages for different days. Or if you traveling overseas, then you could have a journal for each of the foreign countries you are travelling to.

  • Write about your experiences in as much detail as possible. Include descriptions of the people you meet and the places you visit. It's always the little details that have the most impact. Using travel journal prompts will assist in this department. Additionally, you can also make use of a to-do list or checklist to ensure you jot down everything you need.

  • Add travel photos, postcards, tickets, ticket stubs and other ephemera to your journal. You can even use a glue stick to paste this into your diary. These items will help you remember your trip and make your journal even more interesting with long-lasting travel memories.

  • The best travel journal also includes your thoughts and emotions. Writing about how you felt during your journey can be incredibly powerful and meaningful.

15 of the best unique travel journal ideas

Now that you know the basics of creating a travel journal, let’s explore some wonderful ideas to make your journal truly special.

  1. Create a mini-scrapbook. Use pictures, postcards, and other mementoes to create a mini-scrapbook that captures your travels.

  1. Write a series of haikus. Document your journey in haiku form. This can be a great way to express your thoughts and emotions.

  1. Make a timeline. Create a timeline of your travels, including highlights and key moments.

  1. Create a postcard collage. Collect postcards from each place you visit and create a collage to document your journey.

  1. Create a travel-inspired art journal. Make art inspired by your travels and add it to your journal.

  1. Make a travel-inspired photo album. Take photos during your travels and create a photo album to document your journey.

  1. Create a map journal. Make a map of your travels and add notes and memories to it.

  1. Create a travel-inspired bullet journal. Create a bullet journal inspired by your travels. Include lists, to-dos, and other notes.

  1. Create a travel-inspired vision board. Create a vision board inspired by your travels. Include photos and other mementoes to capture your journey.

  1. Create a travel-inspired gratitude journal. Write down the things you’re grateful for during your travels and add them to your journal.

  1. Create a travel-inspired dream journal. Document your dreams while you travel and add them to your journal.

  1. Create a travel-inspired journal of quotes. Collect quotes that you come across during your travels and add them to your journal.

  1. Create a travel-inspired scrapbook. Use photos, postcards, and other mementoes to create a scrapbook that captures your journey.

  1. Create a travel-inspired sketchbook. Sketch the places you visit and add them to your journal.

  1. Create a travel-inspired travelogue. Write about your travels in the form of a travelogue.

How to store and share your travel journal

Once you’ve created your travel journal, it’s important to store it in a safe place.

You may choose to store it in a physical album or binder, or you may opt to store it digitally.

Digital storage options include cloud-based services, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, or you can use a dedicated travel journal app.

Once your travel journal is stored safely, you can share it with friends and family.

You may opt to share it digitally, or you can print out copies to share in person.

Travel journal accessories

If you’re looking to make your travel journal even more special, there are a variety of accessories you can use.

These accessories can add a touch of creativity and fun to your journal and can help make it even more meaningful.

These accessories include stickers, washi tape, stencils, stamps, and more.

Travel journal apps

There are a variety of travel journal apps available for both iOS and Android devices.

These apps can help you create and share your travel journal in a few simple steps.

Some apps even allow you to geotag photos and videos, making it easy to document your journey.

Travel journal inspiration

If you’re looking for travel journal inspiration, it’s easy to find.

There are many websites and blogs dedicated to travel journaling, and a quick search on social media will reveal a wealth of inspiration.

You can also find inspiration from other travelers’ journals, and from books and magazines.

How to preserve your travel journal

Once you’ve created your travel journal, it’s important to preserve it for future generations.

To do this, you can store it in an acid-free album or binder or store it in a digital format.

You may also choose to have your journal professionally bound.


Travel journaling is an incredibly meaningful way to document your journeys.

Whether you’re planning your next trip of a lifetime or just looking for a creative way to capture your everyday adventures, a travel journal is the perfect way to capture your memories and experiences.

With the tips and ideas in this article, you’ll be able to create a unique and meaningful travel journal that you can share with friends and family.

If you’re ready to unlock your potential and live your best life, explore our Journaling for Success page to see exactly why journaling is an extremely good technique to overcome many issues and ultimately find and achieve success.

Table of Contents
  1. What is a travel journal?
  2. Benefits of a travel journal
  3. How to start a travel journal
  4. Tips for creating a travel journal
  5. 15 of the best unique travel journal ideas
  6. How to store and share your travel journal
  7. Travel journal accessories
  8. Travel journal apps
  9. Travel journal inspiration
  10. How to preserve your travel journal
  11. Conclusion