15 Proven Ways to Unlock Your Child's Self-Confidence

Personal Finance and Development Dec 19, 2022
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How to Build Confidence in Kids
Table of Contents
  1. What Causes Lack of Confidence in a Child?
  2. How Do You Explain What Confidence Means to a Child?
  3. How to Build Confidence in Kids? 15 Proven Ways to Unlock Your Child's Self-Confidence
    1. 1. Encouraging Kids to Try New Things
    2. 2. Praising Effort and Accomplishment in Kids
    3. 3. Helping Kids Set Goals and Celebrate Progress
    4. 4. Encouraging Kids to Express Themselves and Listen to Their Ideas
    5. 5. Modeling Self-Confidence for Kids
    6. 6. Encourage Children to Take on Leadership Roles
    7. 7. Teaching Kids Good Communication Skills
    8. 8. Encouraging Kids to Try New Hobbies and Activities
    9. 9. Helping Kids Make Decisions for Themselves
    10. 10. Encouraging Kids to Be Independent and Self-Sufficient
    11. 11. Teaching Kids How to Handle Criticism and Feedback Constructively
    12. 12. Encouraging Kids to Take Care of Their Physical Health
    13. 13. Encouraging Kids to Be Kind and Compassionate Towards Others
    14. 14. Help Your Child Develop a Positive Self-Image
    15. 15. Teach Your Child How to Handle Failure and Setbacks
  4. What is the Key to a Child Building Resilience?
  5. Conclusion

As a parent, it's your job to provide your child with the tools they need to be successful in life.

One of the most important of these is self-confidence.

Self-confidence is the foundation of success, and it has to be nurtured and developed from a young age.

Confident children usually grow up to be successful in life with good mental health hence parents need to instil these tools into their children from a young age.

But how can you help your young child develop self-confidence?

In this article, we'll explore 15 proven ways to unlock your child's self-confidence and build high self-esteem.

What Causes Lack of Confidence in a Child?

Before we get into the ways to unlock your child's self-confidence, let's first take a look at what can cause a lack of confidence in a child.

Low self-esteem is often caused by negative interactions with family, peers, or teachers.

It can also be caused by being exposed to negative messages, such as bullying or criticism.

Other factors that can contribute to low self-confidence in a child include physical or emotional abuse, poverty, or neglect which all have a negative effect on a child's feelings.

It's important to be aware of the factors that can cause low self-confidence in children so that you can take proactive steps to build up your child's self-esteem.

It's very important to know that many children struggle with low self-esteem.

You can read more on this via the NC State Extension Publication.

How Do You Explain What Confidence Means to a Child?

Before you can start to unlock your child's confidence, it's important to understand what confidence means to a child.

To a child, confidence means feeling secure and capable. It means believing in themselves and their abilities.

It means being able to trust their judgement and making decisions that are best for them.

When explaining confidence to your child, it's important to use language that is age-appropriate and easy for them to understand.

You can explain that confidence is feeling good about themselves and believing in their abilities.

It's also helpful to use examples that they can relate to, such as explaining how they feel confident when they're playing sports or doing something they're good at.

This entire exercise will also ensure that you spend quality time together

How to Build Confidence in Kids? 15 Proven Ways to Unlock Your Child's Self-Confidence

Now that you understand what confidence means to a child, here are 15 proven ways to unlock your child's self-confidence and build healthy self-esteem.

1. Encouraging Kids to Try New Things

One of the best ways to unlock your child's self-confidence is to encourage them to try new things.

Whether it's trying a new activity, learning a new skill, or meeting new people, exposing your child to new experiences can help them build their self-confidence.

It's also important to ensure that you provide a safe and supportive environment for your child when trying something new so that they feel comfortable taking risks and pushing their boundaries.

2. Praising Effort and Accomplishment in Kids

Praising kids for their effort and accomplishments is another great way to give your child a confidence boost.

By praising their effort and accomplishments, you are reinforcing the idea that their hard work and dedication are valued and appreciated.

This will help them to believe in themselves and their abilities, gain confidence and understand that they can achieve anything they set their mind to.

3. Helping Kids Set Goals and Celebrate Progress

Setting goals and celebrating progress is another great way to build your child's self-confidence.

Help your child to set realistic goals, and then celebrate the progress they make towards reaching those goals.

This will help them to feel capable and empowered, as they will be able to see the progress they have made and the successes they have achieved.

Achieving their goals will instantly boost confidence.

4. Encouraging Kids to Express Themselves and Listen to Their Ideas

Another great way to build your child's self-confidence is to encourage them to express themselves and listen to their ideas.

Allow your child to share their thoughts and own feelings and be sure to listen to them and acknowledge their ideas.

This will help them to feel heard and understood, which will in turn help them to build their self-confidence and trust in themselves.

5. Modeling Self-Confidence for Kids

It's important to model confidence for your child.

Show them that you have faith in yourself and that you are confident in your own decisions and abilities.

Show them that you are not afraid to take risks and try new things.

This will help your child to understand that it's okay to make mistakes and that it's important to believe in yourself and your abilities.

6. Encourage Children to Take on Leadership Roles

Encouraging your child to take on leadership roles is another great way to build self-confidence.

By giving your child the opportunity to lead, you are showing them that you believe in their ability to take charge and make decisions.

This will help them to trust their judgement and feel capable of taking on responsibilities.

7. Teaching Kids Good Communication Skills

Teaching your child good communication skills is also an important part of building their self-confidence.

Help your child to learn how to express themselves clearly and effectively and give them the tools they need to communicate their thoughts and feelings healthily.

This will help them to feel confident in their ability to communicate with others, which is an important part of building self-confidence.

8. Encouraging Kids to Try New Hobbies and Activities

Encouraging your child to try new hobbies and activities is another great way to build self-confidence.

By exposing your child to new experiences, you are giving them the chance to learn new skills and gain new perspectives.

This will help them to feel capable and empowered and will give them the confidence to take on new challenges and try new things.

9. Helping Kids Make Decisions for Themselves

Helping your child to make decisions for themselves is another great way to build their self-confidence.

Encourage them to think for themselves and make choices that are best for them.

This will help them to feel empowered and capable of making their own decisions and will foster their self-confidence.

10. Encouraging Kids to Be Independent and Self-Sufficient

Encouraging your child to be independent and self-sufficient is another great way to build their self-confidence.

Give your child responsibilities.

For example, they should look after their younger siblings.

Allow your child to take responsibility for their actions and show them that you trust their judgement and abilities.

This will help them to understand that they are capable of making their own decisions and that they can take care of themselves.

11. Teaching Kids How to Handle Criticism and Feedback Constructively

Teaching your child how to handle criticism and feedback constructively is also an important part of building self-confidence.

Help your child to understand that not all criticism is bad and that it can be used as an opportunity to learn and grow.

This will help them to develop resilience and to understand that mistakes are an essential part of learning.

12. Encouraging Kids to Take Care of Their Physical Health

Encouraging your child to take care of their physical health is another great way in building confidence.

Help your child to understand the importance of physical activity, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep.

This will help them to feel better about themselves and will give them the energy and motivation to take on new challenges.

13. Encouraging Kids to Be Kind and Compassionate Towards Others

Encouraging your child to be kind and compassionate towards others is another great way to build self-confidence.

Show your child that kindness and compassion are important values and that they should be respected and appreciated.

This will help them to understand the importance of empathy and understanding and will help them to develop a sense of self-worth.

14. Help Your Child Develop a Positive Self-Image

Helping your child develop a positive self-image is also important for building self-confidence.

Encourage your child to focus on their strengths and accomplishments and help them to understand that mistakes are a part of life.

This will help them to recognize their own worth, and to feel good about themselves.

15. Teach Your Child How to Handle Failure and Setbacks

Finally, teaching your child how to handle failure and setbacks is essential for building self-confidence.

Help your child to understand that failure is a part of life, and that it's important to learn from mistakes.

Show them that it's ok to make mistakes and that it's important to keep trying and never give up.

What is the Key to a Child Building Resilience?

The key to a child's building resilience is to provide them with a safe and supportive environment.

Give your child the opportunity to take risks and make mistakes without fear of judgement or criticism.

Allow your child to make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes.

Encourage them to try new things and to persevere in the face of failure.

This will help them to develop the resilience they need to build self-confidence and reach their goals.


Helping your child unlock their self-confidence is an important part of parenting.

By following the 15 proven ways to unlock your child's self-confidence outlined in this article, you will be able to create a safe and supportive environment for your child and give them the tools they need to succeed in life.

Looking for more ways to boost your self-confidence? Check out our Boosting Self-Confidence page.

Table of Contents
  1. What Causes Lack of Confidence in a Child?
  2. How Do You Explain What Confidence Means to a Child?
  3. How to Build Confidence in Kids? 15 Proven Ways to Unlock Your Child's Self-Confidence
    1. 1. Encouraging Kids to Try New Things
    2. 2. Praising Effort and Accomplishment in Kids
    3. 3. Helping Kids Set Goals and Celebrate Progress
    4. 4. Encouraging Kids to Express Themselves and Listen to Their Ideas
    5. 5. Modeling Self-Confidence for Kids
    6. 6. Encourage Children to Take on Leadership Roles
    7. 7. Teaching Kids Good Communication Skills
    8. 8. Encouraging Kids to Try New Hobbies and Activities
    9. 9. Helping Kids Make Decisions for Themselves
    10. 10. Encouraging Kids to Be Independent and Self-Sufficient
    11. 11. Teaching Kids How to Handle Criticism and Feedback Constructively
    12. 12. Encouraging Kids to Take Care of Their Physical Health
    13. 13. Encouraging Kids to Be Kind and Compassionate Towards Others
    14. 14. Help Your Child Develop a Positive Self-Image
    15. 15. Teach Your Child How to Handle Failure and Setbacks
  4. What is the Key to a Child Building Resilience?
  5. Conclusion