25 Simple Tips for Building Self-Confidence in Teens (Plus Our Top 5 Recommended Books for Teens)

Personal Finance and Development Dec 07, 2022
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Self-confidence for teens
Table of Contents
  1. 25 Simple Tips for Building Teens' Self-Confidence
    1. 1. Recognize Your Talents
    2. 2. Cultivate Your Abilities
    3. 3. Be Like a Duck
    4. 4. Resist the Urge to Compare
    5. 5. Listen to the Inner Voice - Then Tell It to Shut Up
    6. 6. Set Goals for Yourself and Strive to Achieve Them
    7. 7. Accept Compliments Graciously
    8. 8. Surround Yourself with Positive People
    9. 9. Take Care of Yourself Physically
    10. 10. Dress in a Way That Makes You Feel Good About Yourself
  2. 11. Be Kind to Yourself
  3. 12. Take Risks and Try New Things
  4. 13. Learn to Say "No"
  5. 14. Celebrate Your Accomplishments
  6. 15. Be Assertive
  7. 16. Practice Good Body Language
  8. 17. Focus On The Present Moment
  9. 18. Take Responsibility for Your Actions
  10. 19. Don't Compare Yourself to Others
  11. 20. Seek Support When You Need It
  12. 21. Develop a Positive Mindset
  13. 22. Find Activities That You Enjoy and That Make You Feel Good
  14. 23. Learn from Your Failures
  15. 24. Take Care of Your Mental Health
  16. 25. Be Yourself
  17. Our Top 5 Recommended Self-Help Books to Build Self-Confidence for Teens
    1. 1. The Confidence Code for Girls by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
    2. 2. The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens by Lisa M. Schab
    3. 3. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne
    4. 4. Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety by Christopher Willard
    5. 5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial or personal advice and is for entertainment only. 

You had a rough week.

Maybe your best friend moved to New York, and you haven’t seen her since.

Or maybe you got dumped for the ninth time this year.

Regardless of what may have happened, there’s one thing that can help you bounce back from any emotional stress: resolute self-confidence.

And if you struggle with feelings of self-doubt, now is the perfect time to work on it because adolescence is a great time to start cultivating new skills and habits.

In this article, we’ll be sharing useful tips to strengthen your self-confidence as well as some great books that will inspire you on your teen reading journey.

25 Simple Tips for Building Teens' Self-Confidence


1. Recognize Your Talents

When your peers make fun of your abilities, blowing them off is simple.

However, make a list of what you enjoy doing and what you are good at, and keep it for yourself.

When you make a mistake or say something you later regret, remember those abilities of yours.

They will not go away, and you can trust them for the rest of your life as long as you care for them.


2. Cultivate Your Abilities

Regardless of whether or not you are able to develop all of your interests and abilities, you should look into applying some of them in non-school activities.

Doing so might help you avoid peer pressure, as well as open up more options for activities around your neighbourhood.


3. Be Like a Duck

Are you aware that the idiom 'be like a duck and let negative words and attitude roll off your back means to not let what other people say about you get to you?

School and teenage years are only temporary, so do not let other people's judgments undermine your future.


4. Resist the Urge to Compare

Don't be fooled by the standard of comparison when comparing your friends, classmates, or photos of celebrities.

No matter how great their leg, athletic prowess, or hair is, it's still not comparable to yours.


5. Listen to the Inner Voice - Then Tell It to Shut Up

Pay attention to what you are thinking when you wake up, speak to friends, or attend class.

Identify what you say to yourself when you are confronted with problems.

Replace your negative thoughts with positive self-talk to increase your self-confidence.

6. Set Goals for Yourself and Strive to Achieve Them

his can help you feel accomplished and confident in your abilities.

Set small goals that seem manageable and that can be measured so that you have something to look forward to every day.

A large goal such as becoming a writer will probably seem insurmountable.

Instead, set a series of small goals that will help you feel like you are making progress every day.

Setting goals will also make you feel motivated to do something every day.

Setting goals and achieving them leads to a more confident teen.

7. Accept Compliments Graciously

Even if you don't mean it, receiving a compliment can make you feel awkward and uncomfortable.

When someone compliments you, try to respond with a simple "thank you" rather than brushing it off or being self-critical.

8. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Spend time with friends and family members who support you and make you feel good about yourself.

Studies show that spending time with people who make you feel good about yourself helps to achieve high self-esteem.

Additionally, socializing with uplifting people makes you happier.

9. Take Care of Yourself Physically

Eat well, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep to keep your body and mind feeling healthy and strong.

Neglecting your physical health can have negative consequences, both short and long-term.

Not only can it make you more susceptible to stress, but it can also negatively impact your mental health as well.

Be sure to take care of your body so that it can take care of your mind as well.

10. Dress in a Way That Makes You Feel Good About Yourself

Wear clothes that you feel comfortable and confident in and avoid dressing in a way that makes you feel self-conscious.

Dress in ways that are professional and respectable, but also consider dressing in ways that make you feel good about yourself.

Reduce self-consciousness by taking steps to feel more confident about yourself.

If you feel self-conscious about your appearance, you may subconsciously act differently towards yourself than you normally would.

11. Be Kind to Yourself

Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer to a friend.

Avoid being overly self-critical or putting yourself down.

Find ways to cheer yourself up and take care of yourself when you feel down.

Exercise, get a massage, take a walk, read a book, spend time with friends, or do something that makes you happy.

Be sure to include self-care in your daily routine so it doesn’t feel like an obligation.

12. Take Risks and Try New Things

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be scary, but it can also help you grow and develop as a person.

When you try new things, you're more likely to learn something new about yourself.

You might realize that you have a natural tendency toward something (like a certain career path) and that you'd be great at it if you only tried a little harder.

New experiences keep life interesting, and they're a great way to grow.

13. Learn to Say "No"

It's okay to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs and well-being.

Saying "no" can help you avoid taking on too much and can help you feel more in control of your life.

Sometimes it might be helpful to say "no" to someone else as well.

If someone asks you to do something that is putting you or your well-being at risk, it's okay to say "no."

If you find yourself saying "yes" all the time, try to be more intentional about how you're prioritizing your own needs.

14. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

When you achieve something, take a moment to recognize and celebrate your success.

This can help boost your confidence and overall self-esteem.

Keep a journal or track your progress on a project or goal on a spreadsheet.

Set daily reminders on your phone to keep you on track.

When you accomplish something, acknowledge how much it means to you.

Expect the best from yourself.

Most people don’t feel as if they’re good enough.

You can combat this by reminding yourself of how much you’re worth.

You can also set goals that help improve self-esteem and build self-confidence, like reading a book a month or running a 5K.

15. Be Assertive

Speak up for yourself and express your thoughts and feelings clearly and confidently.

If someone is pressuring you, ignoring you, or making you feel uncomfortable, then be sure to let them know that you do not feel safe or welcome.

You are entitled to feel safe and welcome wherever you are, and this is true even if the person pressuring you is one of your friends.

16. Practice Good Body Language

Keep your body language open and welcoming when meeting new people, especially when introducing yourself.

Stand up straight, make eye contact, and use open and confident body language to convey your self-confidence.

Stay hydrated. Staying hydrated will help keep you energized and prevent fatigue.

17. Focus On The Present Moment

Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, try to stay focused on the here and now.

This can help you feel more grounded and confident.

When you stay focused on the present moment, you’ll notice how much better your life feels.

You’ll also realize that worrying about the future or dwelling on the past can consume a lot of your time and energy.

By choosing to focus on the present moment, you’ll start to appreciate your life much more.

18. Take Responsibility for Your Actions

When you’re feeling down or having a bad day, it can be tempting to point fingers and assign blame.

However, taking responsibility for your actions will help you feel a greater sense of self-worth and improve your self-image.

When you feel like you need to blame someone or something else to make yourself feel better, it’s a sign that you’re in need of a change in perspective.

Instead of looking for what’s wrong with the world or blaming others for your problems, try looking within.

Work to improve your self-image and self-worth by taking responsibility for your actions and being accountable to others.

19. Don't Compare Yourself to Others

It's natural to compare ourselves to others, but it's important to remember that everyone is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your personal growth and development.

20. Seek Support When You Need It

If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling with low self-esteem, don't be afraid to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or counselor for support.

Even if you don't think that you need it, you probably do.

A lack of support can make you feel even more alone and depressed, so make sure that you're encouraging yourself every single day.

Keep in mind that depression isn't a sign that you should feel ashamed of or that you're weak.

It doesn't make you any less worthy as a person and it doesn't make you "less of a man."

21. Develop a Positive Mindset

Focus on the things you are grateful for in your life and come up with creative ways to remind yourself of them throughout the day.

This will help you feel better about your life and appreciate what you have more.

Engage in activities that make you feel positive.

Go out of your way to do things that make you happy or inspire you.

This can help you feel better about your day and appreciate what you have more.

22. Find Activities That You Enjoy and That Make You Feel Good

Whether it's playing a sport, creating art, or volunteering in your community, finding activities that you're passionate about can help boost your self-confidence.

23. Learn from Your Failures

Don't feel bad about your failures but rather learn from them.

By doing this, you will be able to learn from your past experiences and make sure they don’t happen again.

This will help you grow as a person and continue to succeed in the future.

Success doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes hard work and perseverance.

Stay motivated. Being successful doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes work and perseverance to achieve success.

Stay positive. Focus on the positives in your life.

24. Take Care of Your Mental Health

Make sure to prioritize your mental health by practicing self-care, self-compassion, managing stress, and seeking help if you need it.

Stay active by doing something you love, like volunteering or taking walks, and try to foster a positive mental attitude by regularly practicing self-affirming thoughts.

Taking care of your mental health will greatly help with making informed decisions.

If you feel like you are having a mental health issue, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

25. Be Yourself

Instead of attempting to be someone you're not, embrace your own qualities, and personal values and be true to yourself.

This may help you feel more secure and genuine.

Additionally, being yourself will make others feel more comfortable around you.

When you're comfortable with who you are, others will be more open to being themselves as well.

One important thing you need to remember is that you need to be patient with yourself.

Building self-confidence takes time, and it's important to be patient and kind to yourself.

If you feel like you're doing something wrong or if you're not seeing results right away, don't be discouraged.

It takes time to change any habit, and your goal is to make progress, not perfection.

It's also important to keep in mind that everything you do in your personal growth journey is just a small piece of the puzzle.

What matters is the overall direction of your life and the purpose of your efforts.

Our Top 5 Recommended Self-Help Books to Build Self-Confidence for Teens

1. The Confidence Code for Girls by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

The Confidence Code For Girls

This book is designed specifically for teenage girls and offers practical advice on building confidence and resilience.

It covers topics such as friendships, school, and body image, and provides tools and strategies for dealing with common challenges and building self-confidence.

2. The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens by Lisa M. Schab

The Self-Esteem Workbook For Teens

This workbook offers practical exercises and activities that teens can use to build self-esteem and self-confidence.

It covers topics such as self-image, communication, and decision-making, and includes tips for dealing with stress and building healthy relationships.

3. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook

This workbook offers a comprehensive and practical approach to overcoming anxiety and phobias.

It includes step-by-step techniques for managing anxiety, reducing stress, and building self-confidence, as well as case examples and worksheets to help teens apply the concepts to their own lives.

4. Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety by Christopher Willard

Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety

This workbook provides a variety of exercises and activities designed to help teens develop mindfulness skills, such as paying attention to the present moment, managing emotions, and reducing stress.

It includes tips for incorporating mindfulness into daily life and for dealing with common challenges such as anxiety and self-doubt.

5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

This book offers a step-by-step guide to becoming a more effective and confident teenager and confident adult.

It covers topics such as setting goals, making decisions, and communicating effectively and includes practical tips and strategies for applying the habits in real-life situations.


Self-confidence has a massive impact on your overall well-being.

Not only does it allow you to achieve your goals, but it also helps you maintain a healthy perspective and make better choices.

Whether you’re a teen looking for ways to boost your confidence or a parent who wants to build a child's self-confidence, there are plenty of ways to incorporate confidence-building into your life.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are a few simple confidence-building tips you can do on your own.

The biggest thing you can do to boost your confidence is to have a vision for the life you want to live.

Think about what kind of person you want to be in the future, what you want to accomplish, and how you want to look.

Once you’ve got a vision, you can go about making it a reality by taking action on your plans and working on your skills along the way.

Looking for more self-confidence tips and hacks in any aspect of your life? Check out our Boosting Self-Confidence page.

Table of Contents
  1. 25 Simple Tips for Building Teens' Self-Confidence
    1. 1. Recognize Your Talents
    2. 2. Cultivate Your Abilities
    3. 3. Be Like a Duck
    4. 4. Resist the Urge to Compare
    5. 5. Listen to the Inner Voice - Then Tell It to Shut Up
    6. 6. Set Goals for Yourself and Strive to Achieve Them
    7. 7. Accept Compliments Graciously
    8. 8. Surround Yourself with Positive People
    9. 9. Take Care of Yourself Physically
    10. 10. Dress in a Way That Makes You Feel Good About Yourself
  2. 11. Be Kind to Yourself
  3. 12. Take Risks and Try New Things
  4. 13. Learn to Say "No"
  5. 14. Celebrate Your Accomplishments
  6. 15. Be Assertive
  7. 16. Practice Good Body Language
  8. 17. Focus On The Present Moment
  9. 18. Take Responsibility for Your Actions
  10. 19. Don't Compare Yourself to Others
  11. 20. Seek Support When You Need It
  12. 21. Develop a Positive Mindset
  13. 22. Find Activities That You Enjoy and That Make You Feel Good
  14. 23. Learn from Your Failures
  15. 24. Take Care of Your Mental Health
  16. 25. Be Yourself
  17. Our Top 5 Recommended Self-Help Books to Build Self-Confidence for Teens
    1. 1. The Confidence Code for Girls by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
    2. 2. The Self-Esteem Workbook for Teens by Lisa M. Schab
    3. 3. The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne
    4. 4. Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety by Christopher Willard
    5. 5. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial or personal advice and is for entertainment only.