5 Ways to Get the Best, Low-Cost Health Insurance for Young Adults

Personal Finance and Development Dec 13, 2022
0 People Read
Health Insurance
Table of Contents
  1. What is Health Insurance?
  2. Benefits of Health Insurance
  3. 5 Simple Ways to Find the Best, Low-Cost Affordable Health Insurance for Young Adults
    1. 1. Review Your Current Plan
    2. 2. Use the Internet
    3. 3. Look for a High-Deductible Plan
    4. 4. Look for Group Plans
    5. 5. Consider Short-Term Plans
  4. How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Plan for You
  5. Conclusion

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. 

Health insurance is a necessity for young adults, but it can be hard to find the right policy that fits their needs and household income.

There are so many different plans available with a wide variety of monthly premiums and it can be hard to know which one is best for you.

That’s why we’ve put together a guide to help you find the best, affordable health insurance policies for young adults.

What is Health Insurance?

Health insurance is a type of coverage that helps pay for medical expenses and other health services.

It can include doctor’s visits, hospital stays, medications, and other healthcare services.

Health insurance can be purchased through an employer, or the government, or purchased privately.

Depending on the type of plan you choose, it can cover all or just a portion of your healthcare costs.

Health insurance costs usually depend on the type of plan and the coverage it provides.

Generally speaking, the more coverage you have, the more expensive the plan will be.

However, there are ways to get the best, low-cost health insurance for young adults.

Benefits of Health Insurance

Having health insurance can be a big advantage for young adults.

It can help them access medical care when they need it, without having to worry about hefty medical bills.

It can also provide peace of mind knowing that their medical needs are taken care of in case of an emergency.

Health insurance can also be beneficial for those who are just starting their career or changing jobs.

It can help protect their finances by providing coverage while they’re between jobs or waiting to receive benefits from their new employer.

5 Simple Ways to Find the Best, Low-Cost Affordable Health Insurance for Young Adults

Finding the best, low-cost health insurance for young adults doesn’t have to be a difficult process.

There are many resources available to help you compare plans and prices to find the one that’s right for you.

1. Review Your Current Plan

If you're having trouble paying your monthly health insurance premiums, seek out from your provider network what your health coverage plan looks like and contact customer service.

You can also enquire about whether you are eligible for premium tax credits that will help reduce the cost of what you pay.

It is often as simple as speaking with a representative and telling them about your predicament.

Many large healthcare providers recognize the severity of healthcare costs and will help.


In case you have an individual doctor and don't want to modify it, sticking with your current health insurance company makes sense.

Nothing lasts forever.

You may be laid off or your company may no longer subsidize health care coverage, or your premium may have increased to a point where you can no longer afford it.

If you're worried about losing your insurer, pick up the telephone and speak to them.


2. Use the Internet

To find the right health insurance plan if you're currently uninsured or self-employed, try using one of the comparison or health insurance marketplace websites to choose from a variety of health insurance companies.

You can use eHealth to find the right plan for you.

Make sure to enter the correct zip code when using this website.

You can then compare your choices, determine an affordable health insurance company with cheap health insurance and sign up right away.

If you're not sure where to start, then consider finding out more about how to receive health insurance as a self-employed person.

There are a lot of steps involved, but you can learn how to receive health insurance as a self-employed person.


3. Look for a High-Deductible Plan

If you are usually in good health, consider getting an insurance plan with a high deductible.

These plans essentially insure you if there is a health emergency.


Your monthly healthcare costs might be lower if you have a higher deductible.

You should make sure you have the deductible saved so you do not have to borrow money if you have a medical emergency.


Some high-deductible plans still cover 100% of annual doctor appointments, such as mammograms and prostate exams.

Before you enrol, it is important to know what is and what isn’t covered so you can be financially prepared.


4. Look for Group Plans

An organization can contract with an insurance company and receive a discount because it has a large number of clients.

For instance, there are freelance writers' associations and actor associations that offer group insurance plans at a discount.

You can save a lot of money by getting a group insurance rate.

You can also find a group health insurance plan by contacting your trade association.

For example, if you are a writer, you can join a writers' association and get group health insurance at a discounted rate.

If you are a member of an association that offers group insurance, you can save more money by getting the group rate.


5. Consider Short-Term Plans

If you're looking for short-term health insurance plans, look for those between six months and a year.

These plans are generally quite inexpensive and last for around six months.

You may contact your previous insurance provider or visit a healthcare comparison website to find short-term insurance plans.

Be sure to shop around to find the best price for the shortest term.

You may also consider buying a short-term health insurance plan if you have an upcoming surgery, upcoming vacation, or something that may come up in the next few months that you want to cover.

You may also purchase a short-term health insurance plan if you don’t have employer-sponsored or government health insurance.

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Plan for You

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, it’s important to read the fine print to make sure you’re getting the coverage you need.

Look for hidden fees and exclusions in the policy and make sure you understand the coverage limits.

It’s also important to consider the cost of premiums, co-pays, and deductibles when choosing an affordable health insurance plan.

You may be tempted to choose the cheapest health insurance plan, but if it doesn’t include the coverage you need, it may not be the best option for you.

Finally, consider the customer service and reputation of the insurance company.

Read online reviews to see what other customers are saying about the company and make sure they have a good customer service record.


Finding the best and cheapest health insurance for young adults or even a children's health insurance program can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible.

With the right research and comparison tools, you can find the health plan that’s right for you and your budget.

Just be sure to read the fine print and consider all of the factors before making your decision.

Health insurance can be expensive, but it’s an important investment in your health and well-being.

By taking the time to research and compare health insurance plans, you can find the best, low-cost health insurance for young adults that meets your needs and budget.

Looking for more money-saving tips and tricks? Check out our Spend Less and Save Money page.

Table of Contents
  1. What is Health Insurance?
  2. Benefits of Health Insurance
  3. 5 Simple Ways to Find the Best, Low-Cost Affordable Health Insurance for Young Adults
    1. 1. Review Your Current Plan
    2. 2. Use the Internet
    3. 3. Look for a High-Deductible Plan
    4. 4. Look for Group Plans
    5. 5. Consider Short-Term Plans
  4. How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Plan for You
  5. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to me at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only.