Discover 40+ of the Biggest Wastes of Money & How to Avoid It!

Personal Finance and Development Dec 30, 2022
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Biggest Waste of Money
Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Biggest Waste of Money
  2. Common Wastes of Money
    1. Category 1: Impulse Purchases
    2. Category 2: Unnecessary Subscriptions and Memberships
    3. Category 3: Keeping Up with the Joneses
    4. Category 4: Paying Too Much for Services
  3. How to Avoid Wasting Money
    1. Track Your Spending
    2. Live Below Your Means
    3. Set Financial Goals
    4. Shop Around for Deals
  4. Conclusion

We all want to save money and lead a financially secure life.

But, what most of us don't realize is that we are unknowingly spending money and wasting money on things that are not necessary.

In this blog post, we will explore the biggest waste of money and how to avoid them.

Introduction to Biggest Waste of Money

Money is an essential part of our lives, and we can't just be throwing money away.

We need it to pay for our basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter.

We also use it to buy things that please us or make our lives easier.

However, it's easy to lose track of where our money is going, and we can end up wasting it on things that are not necessary.

Wasting money can have serious consequences.

It can prevent us from reaching our financial goals, such as saving extra money for retirement or buying a home.

It can also lead to debt and financial stress.

That's why it's important to be aware of where our money is going and recognize the biggest waste of money.

Common Wastes of Money

There are a few common areas or categories where we tend to waste money.

Let's take a look at each category in detail including 10 of the biggest money-wasters in each.

Category 1: Impulse Purchases

Impulse purchases are one of the biggest wastes of money.

These are purchases that we make on the spur of the moment without thinking about the consequences.

Impulse purchases can be anything from a new pair of shoes to a new car.

They can be expensive, and we often end up regretting them.

To avoid impulse purchases, it's important to take a step back and think about the purchase.

Ask yourself if you need the item and if it is worth the price.

It's also helpful to set a budget and stick to it.

That way, you can make sure you are spending within your means.

Here are 10 other impulse purchases that can drain your wallet:

1. Candy or snacks at a checkout line

These items are often placed at the register to encourage people to make a last-minute purchase as they are checking out.

2. Magazine or book at an airport

People may make these purchases out of boredom or a desire for entertainment during a long layover or flight.

3. Impulse buys at a garage sale

Some people may be drawn to the low prices and make purchases on items they don't need or have a use for.

4. Clothing on clearance

While clearance prices may seem like a good deal, it's important to consider whether the item is something that you truly need or will use.

5. Impulse buys at a farmer's market

Seeing fresh, locally grown produce can be tempting, but it's important to consider whether you have the time and resources to use the items before they go bad.

6. Spontaneous restaurant or coffee shop purchases

These types of purchases can add up quickly and may not align with a person's budget or dietary needs.

7. Unnecessary electronics or gadgets

These types of items can be tempting, but it's important to consider whether they will truly add value to your life before making the purchase.

8. Impulse buys at a fair or carnival

The festive atmosphere and the excitement of the moment can make it easy to make impulsive purchases of items that may not be needed or used.

9. Impulse buys online

It can be easy to make impulsive purchases while shopping online, especially if there are attractive deals or sales.

10. Unnecessary home decor or furniture

While it can be tempting to update the look of your home, it's important to consider whether the items are truly needed or will bring long-term value before making the purchase.

Category 2: Unnecessary Subscriptions and Memberships

Another common waste of money is unnecessary subscriptions and memberships.

These are services that we pay for month after month without realizing the cost.

Subscriptions can range from streaming services to gym memberships.

It's important to look closely at these services and ensure you are getting your money's worth.

If you find that you are paying for services that you don't use or need, then it's time to cancel them.

This will help you save money and free up funds for more important things.

Let's take a look at 10 other unnecessary subscriptions and memberships that swallow your money without you even knowing:

11. Streaming platforms that are not used frequently

If you only use a streaming platform a few times a month, it may not be worth the cost of the subscription.

12. Magazine subscriptions that are not read regularly

If you have a stack of unread magazines, it may be time to consider canceling the subscription.

13. Gym memberships that are not used regularly

If you are not using your gym membership often enough to justify the cost, it may be a good idea to cancel or consider a less expensive option.

14. Food delivery services that are not used frequently

While food delivery services can be convenient, they can add up quickly and may not be worth the cost if you only use them occasionally.

15. Subscriptions to services that are not needed

Some people may sign up for subscription services that they don't need or use, such as a home security monitoring service if they already have a security system in place.

16. Subscription boxes that are not used

Some people may sign up for monthly subscription boxes, such as a beauty box or snack box, and then find that they do not use all of the items included.

17. Club memberships that are not used

Some people may join clubs or organizations and then find that they do not have the time or interest to participate regularly.

18. Subscriptions to online courses or educational materials that are not used

If you have signed up for an online course or educational materials and are not using them, it may not be worth the cost to continue the subscription.

19. Subscriptions to services that are provided for free elsewhere

Some people may pay for subscriptions to services that are available for free elsewhere, such as a news or weather app.

20. Subscriptions to services that are not aligned with your interests or needs

It's important to consider whether a subscription service aligns with your interests and needs before signing up, as you may find that you do not use it often or get value from it.

Category 3: Keeping Up with the Joneses

We all want to have nice things, but it's important to be aware of the cost.

Keeping up with the Joneses can be a big waste of money.

This is when we buy things just to keep up with our friends or neighbors.

We often buy things without thinking about the cost or whether we need them.

The key to avoiding this is to be mindful of our spending.

Make sure you are buying things for the right reasons and that they fit into your budget.

It's also important to remember that we don't need to keep up with anyone else.

We should focus on our own financial goals and not worry about what other people have or don't have.

So, what exactly do we buy to keep up with the Joneses?

Here are 10 relatable examples:

21. Expensive gifts for special occasions

While it can be nice to show appreciation for friends and family with gifts, overspending on gifts can be a waste of money if it is not within your budget or the recipient does not truly value the gift.

22. Luxury items to impress others

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by buying luxury items, such as designer clothes or expensive cars, even if they are not within their budget or do not align with their values.

23. Unnecessary home renovations or upgrades

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by making unnecessary renovations or upgrades to their homes, even if they do not have the budget or need for them.

24. Extravagant vacations or events

While it can be fun to go on vacation or attend special events with friends and family, overspending on these experiences can be a waste of money if it is not aligned with your long-term financial goals.

25. Unnecessary or overpriced products or services

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by buying products or services that are unnecessary or overpriced, such as expensive haircuts or beauty treatments.

26. Clothing or accessories to fit in with a certain group

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by buying clothing or accessories that are popular or fashionable, even if they do not truly align with their personal style or budget.

27. Toys or gadgets that are not age-appropriate or not used

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by buying toys or gadgets for their children that are not age-appropriate or not used, which can be a waste of money.

28. Unhealthy or unnecessary food or drinks

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by buying unhealthy or unnecessary food or drinks, such as expensive coffee or alcohol, even if it does not align with their budget or lifestyle.

29. Unnecessary or overpriced pet products

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by buying unnecessary or overpriced pet products, such as expensive toys or grooming services, even if their pet does not truly need or benefit from them.

30. Unnecessary or overpriced health or wellness products

Some people may feel pressure to keep up with their friends and family by buying unnecessary or overpriced health or wellness products, such as supplements or fitness equipment, even if they do not truly need or benefit from them.

Category 4: Paying Too Much for Services

We often spend too much money on services that we could get for a better price.

This could include anything from car repairs to home repairs.

It's important to shop around and compare prices before making a purchase.

This will help you get the best deal and save money in the long run.

It's also important to read reviews and do your research before hiring a service provider.

This will help ensure that you are getting quality work at a fair price.

Below are 10 of the most common services that we are paying too much for:

31. Cable or satellite television

Many people pay a premium monthly fee for cable or satellite television, even though they may not watch all of the channels or programming included in their package.

Streaming services or a combination of streaming and over-the-air channels may be a more cost-effective option.

32. Cell phone plans

Some cell phone plans can be expensive, especially if they include features or data that are not used frequently.

It can be helpful to review your cell phone usage and consider whether a different plan or provider would be a better fit for your needs.

33. Bank fees

Some banks can charge a lot for banking fees such as monthly account fees, overdraft fees, and also credit card interest should you have credit card debt or credit card balances.

34. Pest control services

While pest control services can be necessary in some cases, they can be expensive and may not be needed for all types of pests.

It can be helpful to research DIY pest control options or to shop around for a more cost-effective service provider.

35. Insurance fees

Whether you have rental car insurance, identity theft insurance, cell phone insurance, life insurance, or even children's life insurance it's important to realize that all these fees add up and can be worse if you have various products with various service providers.

36. Home cleaning services

While it can be nice to have a clean home, hiring a home cleaning service can be expensive and may not be necessary if you can maintain the cleanliness of your home yourself.

37. Personal training or fitness classes

While personal training or fitness classes can be helpful for some people, they can be expensive and may not be necessary for everyone.

There are many free or low-cost options for getting fit, such as outdoor activities or online workouts.

38. Car washing or detailing services and extended warranties

While it can be convenient to have someone else wash or detail your car or even have an extended warranty on your car, these services can be expensive and may not be necessary if you can maintain the cleanliness of your car yourself.

39. Professional carpet cleaning

While professional carpet cleaning can be effective, it can be expensive and may not be necessary for all types of carpet.

It can be helpful to research DIY carpet cleaning options or to shop around for a more cost-effective service provider.

40. Professional appliance repair

Consider taking on the repair yourself or looking for a more budget-friendly alternative if you're looking to save money, as professional appliance repair can be quite pricey.

How to Avoid Wasting Money

Now that we have explored the biggest wastes of money, let's look at how we can avoid them.

Track Your Spending

The first step in avoiding wasted money is to track your spending habits.

This will help you get a better understanding of where your money is going and what you need to cut back on.

You can use an app or a spreadsheet to track your expenses.

This will help you stay organized and make sure you are sticking to your budget.

Live Below Your Means

Although we cannot stop spending money altogether, living below our means is another important step to stop wasting money.

This means that you should always try to spend less than you make even if it is just by a few dollars.

This will help you save money and reach your financial goals.

It's also important to set financial goals for yourself.

This will help you stay focused and motivated to reach your goals.

Set Financial Goals

Setting financial goals is key to avoiding wasted money.

This could include anything from saving for retirement to paying off debt.

It's important to have a plan and stick to it.

This could include making a budget and tracking your spending.

It could also include setting aside money for savings and investing.

By setting financial goals, you can make sure you are on the right track and staying within your means.

Shop Around for Deals

Shopping around for deals is another way to save money and avoid wasting it.

This could include anything from using coupons to comparing prices online or even purchasing store brands over name brands.

It's important to be aware of the best deals and take advantage of them.

You can also sign up for newsletters and follow stores on social media.

This will help you stay up to date on the latest sales and discounts.


Wasting money can have serious consequences and prevent us from reaching our financial goals.

That's why it's important to be aware of the biggest wastes of money and how to avoid them so that you can spend money wisely and not lose money.

By tracking our spending and living below our means, we can save money and reach our financial goals.

We can also shop around for deals and take advantage of the best ones.

For more money-saving tips and hacks check out our Spend Less and Save Money page.

With these tips, you can avoid the biggest waste of money and reach your financial goals.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Biggest Waste of Money
  2. Common Wastes of Money
    1. Category 1: Impulse Purchases
    2. Category 2: Unnecessary Subscriptions and Memberships
    3. Category 3: Keeping Up with the Joneses
    4. Category 4: Paying Too Much for Services
  3. How to Avoid Wasting Money
    1. Track Your Spending
    2. Live Below Your Means
    3. Set Financial Goals
    4. Shop Around for Deals
  4. Conclusion