How to Get Motivated Again? 5 Easy Ways to Get Motivated Again and Stay Motivated

Personal Finance and Development Nov 26, 2022
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How to get motivated again
Table of Contents
  1. How to Get Motivated? 5 Easy Ways to Get Motivated Again and Stay Motivated
    1. 1. Take some "Time Out"
    2. 2. Get Inspired
    3. 3. Get Excited
    4. 4. Take Baby Steps
    5. 5. Care for Your Body
  2. Key Takeaways

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for research and information only. 

Today, the world is so fast-paced and full of possibilities.

From time to time, we lose our desire for life and grow tired, cranky, and unmotivated.

We want to hide under the covers rather than face the day.

Work may be overwhelming you, or you may be sad about the world's problems or just bored with your daily routine.

But that doesn’t mean we should be in stay in that rut of boredom and disinterest.

How to get motivated again?

In order to stay positive and energized throughout our day, we need to keep things in balance. And the first thing that needs to change is us.

So how can we do that?

Re-establishing our motivation can be challenging and it may take some time to reach a new level of self-confidence again.

However, with a little bit of patience and persistence, you will get there.

How to Get Motivated? 5 Easy Ways to Get Motivated Again and Stay Motivated

Here are 5 tips to help break out of the rut and feel excited about life again:

1. Take some "Time Out"

A person's enthusiasm can be zapped by prolonged stress.

Before undertaking anything, take a few minutes to breathe and just BE empty of all stress and worry.

It's important to practice this, but don't give up!

When you're susceptible to thinking, gently push back your thoughts and keep your mind empty and calm.

Take slow, deep breaths, and let your muscles relax.

Sit quietly and recharge your batteries.

Do this every day, or even twice daily (morning and night).

We require quiet time as much as anything else in life.

Give yourself the gift of inner peace by practicing the techniques mentioned above.

2. Get Inspired

Read something motivating, inspirational, or uplifting.

Look at some beautiful nature photos or read something humorous.

Make a conscious effort to shift your thoughts to a more positive place.

Working non-stop and doing our daily chores can leave us uninspired.

It is simple to alter things if we want.

We must seek out things that will lift our spirits and our moods.

Make an effort to be cheerful, happy, joyful, and lighthearted every day.

Don't wait for inspiration to arrive at your door, go out and look for it, or create it.

Enjoy funny or touching memories.

Write them down so you can return to them when you're down.

3. Get Excited

If you want to enjoy the day to the fullest, first consider what you have planned for it.

When we begin a new project or job, we're excited and eager to get started!

Over time, we may lose our enthusiasm for it.

When we were initially stimulated, what made our hearts beat a little faster?

What got you excited?

Try to recapture that excitement and hang on to it!

Even if your tasks don't involve a ton of enthusiasm, at least think of some advantages.

For example, you might list the advantages of doing them for your family, your spouse, yourself, your job, or your home.

Identify the payoff and focus on it!

Even the most ordinary jobs have some advantages.

It's just a matter of altering our mindset to see the positive side.

4. Take Baby Steps

It's difficult to get started with a project.

We cringe at the thought of how much time and energy we'll have to spend on it.

Instead of being overwhelmed, start small.

Set a timer for 15 minutes and begin working.

If you need to, stop after 15 minutes.

However, if you start working on something, we typically don't want to stop.

Don't concern yourself with the big picture; rather, look at the smaller details and tackle them one at a time.

Once we break down a large task into smaller steps, it becomes manageable.

5. Care for Your Body

Sometimes, our mental fatigue is not caused by a lack of physical nutrients, but rather a sign of a physical deficiency.

Ensure you're consuming enough food, water, and exercise, and take care of your body in other ways.

We tend to eat quick, simple meals when we're very busy, which are not always good for our bodies.

If we consume a lot of highly processed food and sugar, our cars will run poorly and we will need to maintain them properly.

As a result, we must also maintain our bodies properly.

Eat well and keep your body healthy so that it may serve as your vehicle for the mind and soul.

Key Takeaways

Never forget to reward yourself occasionally and be gentle with yourself!

Sometimes, we take on way more than we can handle, and our lives turn into a pit of drudgery as a consequence.

Please eliminate the things that truly do not bring you pleasure or at least reduce the time you spend on them.

Do what you can, and leave the rest. Or ask for help. Don't feel obliged to do everything on your own.

When it comes to being motivated and staying motivated, sometimes we just don't know what to do!

That's understandable.

We all have things that are important to us, and we want to do what's best for us.

However, it's important to remember that you can't do everything.

Your time is limited, and you need to prioritize what's most important to you.

Try to be organized and set a schedule each day so you can accomplish the most important tasks while the less important ones will fall into place naturally.

Sometimes, it may seem like there's no way to get motivated again.

But the truth is that with a few simple changes, you will be able to make that happen.

Would you like to learn more about changing your mindset and adopting a growth mindset? Read our related articles here.

Table of Contents
  1. How to Get Motivated? 5 Easy Ways to Get Motivated Again and Stay Motivated
    1. 1. Take some "Time Out"
    2. 2. Get Inspired
    3. 3. Get Excited
    4. 4. Take Baby Steps
    5. 5. Care for Your Body
  2. Key Takeaways

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for research and information only.