Money Mindset: Everything You Need To Know (Plus 5 Easy Money Mindset Exercises You Can Start Today)

Personal Finance and Development Nov 26, 2022
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money mindset
Table of Contents
  1. What is Money Mindset?
  2. How To Change Your Money Mindset?
  3. 5 Money Mindset Exercises You Need To Start Today
    1. 1. Act and behave like you are already rich.
    2. 2. Be thankful and show gratitude for any money you receive.
    3. 3. Find a dime on the sidewalk, and keep it.
    4. 4. Be open to money-making opportunities
    5. 5. Do something that makes you feel good
  4. Money Mindset Quotes
  5. Money Mindset Books
    1. 1. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
    2. 2. The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
    3. 3. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
    4. 4. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
    5. 5. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
  6. Money Mindset Coaching Program
    1. Life Energy Coaching - Quick Money
  7. Conclusion

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for research and information only. 

Money feels like the one thing that can help you get out of a stressful situation, revive your spirit, and move on from negative experiences.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

Just because you need money doesn’t mean you’ll have the right mindset to handle it.

Many people end up cursing their luck when they don’t have enough to save for the future or pay off bills.

The good news is there are ways to train your mind to view money positively and get excited about saving and investing instead of spending and hoping for the best.

If you feel like your finances are always a struggle, or you just could use a little boost in the right direction, this blog post is for you!

Here we will share 5 money mindset exercises that can help you create financial stability and security.

Before looking at the tips and exercises that you can start doing today, let's first answer the question of what is money mindset.

What is Money Mindset?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can be interpreted in different ways.

Generally speaking, a money mindset sees money as a means to an end, rather than an end in itself.

People with a money mindset are motivated to achieve their goals and are typically more focused and disciplined when it comes to managing their finances.

People with a money mindset are typically more productive and successful when it comes to their financial goals.

They are more likely to save their money and are less likely to spend money impulsively.

They are also more likely to be able to handle financial setbacks and are more likely to be able to stick to a budget.

Overall, having a money mindset can lead to increased financial stability and security, as well as improved productivity and success in one's financial goals.

So, what is the fundamental foundation to attract money and wealth?

To attract money naturally, you must learn how to use your thinking and mindset to create the setting.

How To Change Your Money Mindset?

Your life will dramatically change according to your thoughts about having what you want if you train your mind to believe you already have it.

The following money-attracting mindset pointers might seem ridiculous to you, however, great money-making gurus constantly employ these five recommendations to educate their minds to attract wealth and money.

5 Money Mindset Exercises You Need To Start Today

1. Act and behave like you are already rich.

You must act and believe you have already been granted all you want.

In this case, it's money. Therefore, act as if you already have the money you want.

Ask yourself, if I were already wealthy, how would I act, what would I do, how would I feel, and then acted, felt, and did it?

This is the law of the universe.

Become a conscious creator and Money Magnet.

The universe will give you money.

Our thoughts and beliefs create reality.

So, if you want wealth, think and believe you already have it. In other words, don’t just say you want it, act as if you already have it.

This is the most important step.

2. Be thankful and show gratitude for any money you receive.

To attract money, be grateful for the money you already have and thank God or your chosen higher power for giving you more.

Instead of complaining about how little money you have, be happy with what you have and praise God or your deity for it.

The next time you get paid, instead of taking it for granted, please express your gratitude to the universe or God for providing you with this financial windfall.

When you earn money, stop and savor the fact that money is entering your life. By appreciating the money entering your life, more financial attractivity will emanate.

3. Find a dime on the sidewalk, and keep it.

To receive money into your life, your subconscious mind must be open to the notion.

You must be welcoming to any money that comes to you from any source of goodness.

If you see a penny on the street and your usual behavior is to ignore it, you are instructing your subconscious mind that you are not prepared to put in the effort required for money.

Your mental registry does not differentiate between a dime and a million dollars, so all that your mind registers are how you feel, and that thought is saved in your subconscious mind where you do not want to attract money.

This can also be achieved in other forms, such as rejecting a gift or not charging someone for work done or selling a product for less than it is worth, and so on.

This means you must accept the money that is rightfully yours on the street if you want to attract money.

4. Be open to money-making opportunities

Why is it that rich people always have moneymaking opportunities, and you don't?

The answer is that you aren't seeking hard enough or taking opportunities when they arrive.

You're too lazy to look for opportunities, or you might even be doubtful of them.

The key to becoming wealthy, as opposed to staying that way, is being able to recognize new opportunities and be ready to take advantage of them when they come.

You just need to keep a lookout for opportunities, keep an open mind, and be ready to seize them when they arrive.

In this way, you will naturally attract riches and money.

Finding money-making opportunities in your life is simply a matter of being prepared for them when they arrive.

By doing so, you will be blessed with more incredible luck than you have ever experienced.

If you are still skeptical, there will be no money-making opportunities for you.

5. Do something that makes you feel good

Everyone wants to have the things which make them feel good to enter their lives.

When you have the things which make you feel good, your energy and mood rise, and you will feel optimistic, and these attitudes will attract more of them into your life.

You will have money and wealth.

Money Mindset Quotes

We have compiled a list of quotes below to keep you motivated throughout your money mindset journey.

“Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.” – Jim Rohn

“It’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep.” – Robert Kiyosaki

“What you focus on you create more of, so if the plan is to get rich, you’re gonna want to focus on abundance as much as possible. Give as much as you can as often as you can, receive with gratitude and joy, think of money as your pal, raise your frequency and get in the flow, yo.” – Jen Sincero

“Remember that: money will always match your mindset.” – Joe Vitale

“Rich isn’t an amount of money, it’s a mindset about how you live. If you believe you can win, you can.” – Dave Ramsey

Money Mindset Books

1. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Think and Grow Rich

"Think and Grow Rich has been called the 'Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature.'"

In addition to boldly asking, 'What makes a winner?' Napoleon Hill, who also counts among the world's winners, is now asking the question.

This book, which summarises the 'Law of Success' philosophy that he has so powerfully expressed in his other works, was his most famous teacher of success.

2. The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco

The Millionaire Fastlane

On the Slowlane financial roadmap are your financial future and a carefree financial sailboat.

The stock market doesn't have to tank and the economy needs to be robust, right?

Is the Slowlane the financial centerpiece of your family's financial plan?

Demand more. Change lanes and find your wealth accelerator.

Discover how to live rich for a lifetime by cracking the code to wealth.

Hit the Fastlane.

3. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

The Richest Man in Babylon

An archetype for profound riches and success, The Richest Man in Babylon is a timeless classic that describes the herdsmen, merchants, and tradesmen of Babylon in entertaining terms.

With concrete suggestions for amassing, developing, and safeguarding wealth, George S. Clason's books are adored by millions.

This is the book that solves your financial dilemmas.

It describes the secrets to keeping your wealth and generating more.

4. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

You'd sit in the lap of your favorite grandparent and learn the keys to a magnificent, fruitful life in Catherine Ponder's books.

Her words are not imparted in secret, but rather as general precepts for health, love, success, and peace.

She reveals these powerful principles of prosperity, including actual case studies to support those of us who are nervous.

Catherine Ponder offers sensible guidance for applying divine power to confront problems and achieve joy.

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad

It has been translated into 38 languages and sold over 40 million copies worldwide.

Because it is one of the world's most popular titles in the categories of personal finance, parenting, and investing, Today's Rich Dad Poor Dad consistently ranks among the bestsellers.

This book tells the tale of how Robert's rich dad, as well as his real father, affected his ideas about money and investing.

It debunks the myth that you must accumulate a great deal of money to be wealthy and demonstrates the difference between earning and having your money work for you.

Money Mindset Coaching Program

Life Energy Coaching - Quick Money

Life Energy Coaching

This 2-part video series uses advanced energy transformation processes to remove the roots of consciousness and energies that prevent us from attracting the money we need when we require it.

Why do some people constantly have a shortage of money, no matter how hard they work, or why whenever a sizeable amount of money enters, even larger debts are generated to bring you back to almost the same financial state you were in beforehand?

This is because your subconscious programming relates to money, worthiness, deservedness, people with lots of money, and various other types of self-disabling beliefs that prevent you from accessing the natural abundance of money that you are capable of experiencing.

It has nothing to do with how hard you labor, but rather how much you value yourself.

Once you've calibrated your consciousness to a baseline level by using Quick Money, all of your needs will be met consistently.

This program does not promise rapid riches but instead recalibrates your consciousness to a baseline level so that all of your needs are met.

Until you take care of your inner relationship with money, you will continue to experience the same financial problems that stop you from progressing.

You must remove scarcity consciousness before you can experience the abundance that is your birthright.

If you're in financial trouble, investing in and starting to use the Quick Money program is more critical than ever!


Money doesn't make you happy.

Happiness makes you money.

Money is a tool and the right tool for the right job.

If you find yourself in need of money, that doesn't mean that your life isn't worth living anymore.

Put your energy into areas that bring you joy, and don't let money be the driving force behind your life.

Before you know it, you will have money coming to you naturally.

Would you like to learn more about changing your mindset and start adopting a growth mindset? Read our related articles here.

Table of Contents
  1. What is Money Mindset?
  2. How To Change Your Money Mindset?
  3. 5 Money Mindset Exercises You Need To Start Today
    1. 1. Act and behave like you are already rich.
    2. 2. Be thankful and show gratitude for any money you receive.
    3. 3. Find a dime on the sidewalk, and keep it.
    4. 4. Be open to money-making opportunities
    5. 5. Do something that makes you feel good
  4. Money Mindset Quotes
  5. Money Mindset Books
    1. 1. Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill
    2. 2. The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco
    3. 3. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
    4. 4. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
    5. 5. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
  6. Money Mindset Coaching Program
    1. Life Energy Coaching - Quick Money
  7. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for research and information only.