Retirement Financial Planning Starts Today! Everything You Need To Know (Plus Our Top 2 Recommended IRA's)

Personal Finance and Development Nov 25, 2022
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Retirement Planning
Table of Contents
  1. Why Retirement Savings is Important
  2. Know When You Want to Retire
  3. Know Your Spending Needs During Retirement
  4. The Best Retirement Planning Tools: Retirement Calculators and The Complete Retirement Planner
    1. Retirement Calculators
    2. The Complete Retirement Planner
  5. Understand Your Risk Level
  6. What is a 401 K Retirement Account?
  7. What is an IRA?
  8. How To Use Life Insurance In Your Retirement Planning
  9. Looking For an IRA? Our Top 2 IRAs We Recommend
    1. Fidelity
    2. SoFi
  10. Expect the Unexpected

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. 

One of the biggest financial questions you’ll have when you retire is how you’re going to fund your lifestyle.

Without the income from a job, it may be difficult to imagine how you’re going to afford your new life without that monthly salary.

One way of doing this is by investing in retirement products such as an individual retirement account (IRA) and a company-sponsored 401(k) plan.

These two types of retirement accounts come with different features, possibilities, and restrictions.

However, they both play a big role when it comes to retirement financial planning.

This article will explain everything you need to know about investing in retirement accounts and why it’s the best way to start saving more money for your golden years.

The truth is, life goes by in the blink of an eye and before you know it, you'll be almost 65.

Therefore, it's important to begin financial planning for retirement early.

Why Retirement Savings is Important

Retirement planning is important for a few reasons.

First, it allows you to plan for your future and think about what you want to do when you retire.

Second, it can help you save money for your retirement.

Third, it can give you peace of mind in knowing that you are taking care of your financial future.

Retirement planning can be complicated, so it’s important to talk to a financial advisor or your employer’s benefits administrator if you have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan.

They can help you understand what’s available to you and how to take advantage of it.

Know When You Want to Retire

50 or 65 is a number that feels good or is thought to be typical, respectively, when you want to retire.

With this range, you can calculate how much you need to invest and save to reach your objective.

The sweet spot of a comfortable retirement is likely between ages 65 and 70.

You will still have the capacity to work for a few years if you want, but your primary focus will be on enjoying life.

If you are younger than 65, you will need to save more and invest more aggressively.

At some point in your career, you will probably need to decide what to do with the rest of your life.

Will you go back to work when you’re older if you can no longer physically do the job?

Will you move into a different line of work, such as consulting or coaching, or even starting a business?

Know Your Spending Needs During Retirement

Even if you cannot transport your mind to what it is like to be 65, you can assume that you will need money for housing, food, medicine, transportation, and the necessities of daily life.

You may spend less if your house is paid for, for example.

The Best Retirement Planning Tools: Retirement Calculators and The Complete Retirement Planner

Retirement Calculators

Based on data that estimates inflation rates and future costs, you can use retirement calculators to estimate what you spend now.

Ask your bank if they offer a retirement calculator for members.

Check out this easy-to-use retirement income calculator from Nerdwallet.

If you are just now thinking about saving for retirement, start early.

The earlier you start, the more time you have to save.

Depending on your age and when you plan to retire, it can take 30 to 40 years to save enough to retire.

The earlier you start, the more time you have to save.

The more income you earn, the more income you should save for your retirement goals.

If you are close to retirement age, now is the time to start saving.

You might want to consider taking advantage of a 401 k or other savings option.

It might not be easy to save at this point in your life, but starting early will give you more time to save.

If you are still young, now is the time to start thinking about retirement. Put a financial plan in place. Financial planning is the key!

You might want to consider starting a small retirement fund now so that when you are older, you will have something to fall back on.

The Complete Retirement Planner

Another retirement planning tool is the complete retirement planner.

The complete retirement planner is one of the most comprehensive retirement planning tools ever made, boasting a long list of vital aspects not found in other financial planning apps.

It includes the most recent tax laws, retirement account contribution limits, Medicare expenses, and I.R.S. dividers for Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).

The complete retirement planner provides a simple, individualized financial plan for both pre-and post-retirement that includes everything from investment to insurance, covering all variables that other planning tools overlook.

By applying the same financial planning principles used by professional advisers, the complete retirement planner provides a detailed year-by-year roadmap of your financial future and eliminates the necessity to make guesses, assumptions, or generic benchmarks.

You can plan for retirement with confidence thanks to the complete retirement planner solution to these questions.

Ensure that you are consistently making use of a retirement planning tool such as the free retirement calculator and the complete retirement planner in case anything changes.

Understand Your Risk Level

When you begin investing, you must understand your risk tolerance level.

Some individuals dislike risk, while others appreciate it.

Changing your retirement savings plan when you are frightened is a long-term strategy that should not be done in a panic.

When the market falls hard and stays there for a while, it is natural to feel a little anxious.

Instead of changing your retirement plans in a panic, keep doing what you are doing, and stay on track.

At some point, the market will likely rise again, and then you can change your retirement plan again.

Keeping your long-term retirement savings plan in place is a lot easier if you stay calm and confident in your decision.

What is a 401 K Retirement Account?

A 401 k retirement plan is a type of retirement plan offered by employers.

Employees can contribute to their 401 k account on a pretax basis from their income, which means that the contributions are not taxable.

After employees reach retirement age, the 401 k contributions will become taxable.

The 401 k plan allows employees to invest a portion of their income in a variety of stocks, bonds, and other savings.

What is an IRA?

An IRA is a retirement savings account available to individuals who are at least age 18 and have earned income.

To open an IRA, you will need to provide your bank or broker with your name, address, social security number, and other required information.

Your bank or broker will then create an individual IRA account for you.

You can begin contributing to your IRA as soon as you open it.

Contributions to an IRA are tax-deductible, which means that the income you save in an IRA may be tax-free when you withdraw it.

You can also withdraw your savings at any time without penalty.

An IRA can be a valuable tool for saving for your retirement.

It allows you to defer tax on your contributions, which can increase your savings over time.

Additionally, IRA withdrawals may be tax-free if you are age 50 or older.

How To Use Life Insurance In Your Retirement Planning

There are a few key things to keep in mind when using life insurance in retirement planning.

First, make sure you have enough coverage.

A few hundred thousand dollars of life insurance coverage can be a big help in the event of an unexpected death in your family.

Second, consider how your life insurance policy might work in conjunction with your other retirement plans.

For example, if you have a 401 k plan at work, your life insurance policy may offer benefits like income replacement or cash value that could help you maintain your pre-retirement lifestyle.

Finally, keep in mind that life insurance policies can be expensive, so make sure you understand the terms and conditions before purchasing one.

Looking For an IRA? Our Top 2 IRAs We Recommend

If you are interested in an IRA please the below a brief overview of two of the top IRA accounts.



Fidelity Investments is among the most effective online brokerage platforms available, providing a vast array of resources, research, and investible assets.

Fidelity is a smart choice for both old-school investors and new investors due to its wealth of resources.

They are also best to know for their retirement planning assistance.

Fidelity Investments offers $0 trading commissions, no account fees that can erode returns, an easy-to-use platform that can be tailored to more advanced traders, and a range of research offerings.



SoFi Invest offers active and automated investing services.

You can trade stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies on your self-directed account, but SoFi Invest automated investing involves SoFi Invest handling your investments.

Sofi Invest offers active, automated, and Traditional, Roth, and SEP IRAs, individual retirement accounts.

SoFi Invest offers commission-free US stock and ETF trading without withdrawal or inactivity fees.

The account opening process is seamless, fully digital, and fast.

Customer support provides relevant and quick answers.


Expect the Unexpected

You should start thinking about retirement planning as soon as you have the opportunity.

Putting more money aside for your retirement is an important step for many people to take, as it can help them feel secure about their future and the amount of income they will need to live comfortably during retirement.

Retirement planning can be complicated, so it’s important to talk to a financial advisor or your employer’s benefits administrator if you have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans.

They can help you understand what’s available to you and how to take advantage of it.

The most important thing to remember when you're working towards a future in which you no longer need to work is that you need to put enough money towards it.

If you don't have the resources to set aside for your retirement, then you won't be able to enjoy it once you're retired.

If you want to make sure that you fund your retirement plan, take a look at the different types of retirement products that are available to you and choose the one that best matches your needs and goals.

Click here to read more on related topics.

Table of Contents
  1. Why Retirement Savings is Important
  2. Know When You Want to Retire
  3. Know Your Spending Needs During Retirement
  4. The Best Retirement Planning Tools: Retirement Calculators and The Complete Retirement Planner
    1. Retirement Calculators
    2. The Complete Retirement Planner
  5. Understand Your Risk Level
  6. What is a 401 K Retirement Account?
  7. What is an IRA?
  8. How To Use Life Insurance In Your Retirement Planning
  9. Looking For an IRA? Our Top 2 IRAs We Recommend
    1. Fidelity
    2. SoFi
  10. Expect the Unexpected

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only.