The Words You Use and Changing Your Mindset (Including The Best Books to Make The Change)

Personal Finance and Development Nov 26, 2022
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Changing Your Mindset
Table of Contents
  1. Choose Your Words Carefully
  2. What is a Mindset?
  3. What is a Growth Mindset?
  4. Change Your Words, Change Your Mindset
  5. 10 Extremely Powerful Changing Your Mindset Quotes
  6. Our Top 5 Recommended Books About Changing Your Mindset
    1. 1. The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris
    2. 2. Rebel Talent by Francesca Gino
    3. 3. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
    4. 4. Start With Why by Simon Sinek
    5. 5. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  7. The Most Important Thing To Change Your Mindset: Communicate Effectively
    1. Why is it Important to Communicate Effectively?
  8. Conclusion

Disclosure: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only. 

Have you ever noticed that your vocabulary changes over time?


New words enter your vocabulary constantly.


You might have used terms like ‘zit’ or ‘lame’ in the past, but as you grow up and expand your knowledge, these terms no longer make sense to you.


Changing your mindset is a process of rethinking old ideas and practices that no longer work for you.


Just because someone said something to you that led to negative emotions doesn’t mean it’s true.


Letting go of things that don't serve you anymore is an important part of growing and changing your life for the better.


An article in the Huffington Post says, “Changing your mindset can change everything from how you approach challenges to which opportunities seem appealing. Changing your thoughts can help you see situations more positively thus making it easier for you to find solutions and build new habits.”


You need to keep changing your mindset until it becomes something that makes sense to you again!


According to earlier theories about intelligence, we are born with certain characteristics in common with other people.


We are not able to develop or expand in any way.


Our intelligence is as it was at birth and there is no room for improvement.


This led to people wondering, could this be true?


We now know that we can change our mindset and, therefore, improve our learning capacity.


No longer is the status quo necessary; we can grow and strive to achieve more academically and, therefore, in life.


Choose Your Words Carefully


Each and every one of us speak without really thinking about what we are saying and sometimes even holds back what we would like to say for ourselves, wound up as we are later on for doing so.


If you take the time to record and recognize the words you use daily, you may discover that the words you select are connected to your mindset.


What is a Mindset?


The way you perceive, react, and respond to situations is determined by your mental attitude.


This can determine your life from academics to professionals and beyond. Why is it important?


A mental attitude creates habits that strengthen or weaken your confidence. When you’re negatively affected by self-criticism, it makes you feel inadequate, damaging your self-esteem.


You start comparing yourself to others and realize you don’t measure up, leading to self-pity and a low state of mind.


On the other hand, when you have positive thoughts about yourself, you feel great about who you are and what you’ve accomplished.


You feel good about yourself and you’re more likely to try new things and face new challenges.


You’re more likely to succeed and experience more joy in life.


What is a Growth Mindset?


A growth mindset is a mindset that sees success as a result of effort and hard work, instead of luck or birthright.


This growth mindset can help people overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.


People with a growth mindset tend to believe that their abilities can grow and that they can learn and improve their skills.


This growth mindset can lead them to be more motivated and persistent in their pursuits, even when they’re faced with challenges.


The growth mindset is beneficial in various areas, including academic achievement, professional success, and physical health.


It can also help people reduce stress, build self-confidence, and increase resilience.


Overall, a growth mindset is a powerful tool for achieving success in life. If you’re looking to boost your performance and achieve your goals, investing in a growth mindset might be the best way to go.


Change Your Words, Change Your Mindset


The words we choose will set the tone of our day, either inspiring us to greatness or holding us back.


This is why changing your words and choosing the right words are important.


When you are feeling down or negative, try to replace those thoughts with thoughts that inspire you, like “Focus on the positive!” or “Thought life!”


There is a reason why you might choose to use the power words ‘hope’ or ‘dream’ instead of ‘want’ or ‘deserve’, for instance.


Depending on the context in which you speak, certain words will be associated with certain feelings, thoughts, and attitudes.


When you start paying attention to the words you use every day, you will begin to notice patterns and tendencies in the way you think and feel about yourself and your life.


To attract positive change in your life, you must first become aware of the thoughts and feelings that hold you back.


When you start to recognize the words that you subconsciously choose to describe yourself, you will start to change the way you perceive yourself using these words.


10 Extremely Powerful Changing Your Mindset Quotes


Mindset quotes and positive affirmations will greatly develop growth mindsets. 


It won't happen overnight but self-talk and positive affirmations would assist and develop a growth mindset.


There is a lot of power in thinking about the below quotes and repeating them routinely.


“To change your life, you must change your mindset.” - Brad Turnbull


“You’re always one choice away from changing your life.” - Mac Anderson


“Don’t let a bad day, bad people, or bad circumstances stop you from finding the good, being happy, and sharing that with others.” - Makyla Burke 


“Every day no matter what I face, I can smile and love others.” - Laura Pexton


“If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.” - Buddha


“We don’t always have control over where life brings us but we can control how we choose to respond to new circumstances.” - L Lionel Kendrick


“A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.” - Joyce Meyer


“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.” - Dr. Annette Childs


“Being positive in a negative situation is not naïve. It’s leadership.” - Ralph Marston


“There is something to grateful for every day! Whether it’s the air in your lungs, a roof over your head, food in your belly, or the fresh start of a new day… find gratitude in every day.” - Makyla Burke



Our Top 5 Recommended Books About Changing Your Mindset


1. The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris

The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris

The Happiness Trap, according to its philosophy, teaches you how to keep harmful thoughts at bay.

It includes many mindfulness exercises that help you resist destructive thoughts.

The book advocates acceptance as the key process.

It enables you to break the vicious cycle of always seeking happiness.



2. Rebel Talent by Francesca Gino

Rebel Talent by Francesca Gino

Breaking a rule should not always lead to trouble; it can also be about bringing more joy into your life.

Rebels are creative people and they may make substantive changes.

Experiment by breaking a rule once (not all of them, of course) and see what doors it opens for you.



3. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

The Gifts of Imperfections by Brene Brown

You think too much about what other people think of you, do you?

This book is for you if you want to learn to be yourself and be proud of it.

You'll recognize that you're OK and can be proud of yourself.



4. Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek explains how the ‘Golden Circle' works and how many successful people began by asking ‘why’ before executing their mission.

Regardless of what you do, how you do it is important.

A profoundly moving book based on the most-watched TED Talk ever.



5. Atomic Habits by James Clear

Atomic Habits by James Clear

It's not necessarily a sign of weakness if you can't break your habit cycles, since most people have them.

James Clear, in this guide, provides biological, psychological, and neuroscience support for your habit change.




The Most Important Thing To Change Your Mindset: Communicate Effectively

Why is it Important to Communicate Effectively?

When it comes to intelligence, you may have a long-running notion that you're either normal or not.


For instance, you might believe you're average and aren't questioning that old, limiting, and long-standing thought.


To alter your outcome, you must choose the thoughts that will alter your brain and ultimately your words.


It is a challenge to have this self-talk with yourself however, following the quotes and books above will lead to your best self.


You've had a lot of firsts in your life. For example, you let your first child ride the bus to kindergarten without you.


The following child was a little bit easier, so by the third child, this situation didn't require as much effort as the first time you handled it.


Or you had another challenge that lead to mistakes.


The more important thing is to be able to confront and meet with more and more challenging situations if you can communicate to yourself that you can and will.


Furthermore, you may do it with ease and elegance; as long as you communicate to yourself that you may and will do so.


The communication bar is not just raised when you challenge yourself and achieve; you also get to see that you can take on a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.


You may see that you can succeed by learning new things and taking on additional challenges, in addition to seeing that you can adopt a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset.



Over the years, as we learn about ourselves and the world around us, we gradually change our mental attitudes, thereby changing our mindset.


A growth mindset helps you to look at yourself from a fresh perspective and to see possibilities in yourself that you may have previously overlooked.


A growth mindset helps us set smarter goals.


In addition to helping you to see things from a growth perspective, changing your mindset can also help you to become more flexible, resilient, and able to handle change in your life.


You might have goals on getting in, getting done, and getting out of a situation.


Or you might believe that you have to do it right the first time and that you won't be able to make changes later on.


In many cases, it's important to know when to back off and take a step back so that you might find more success in the future.


A growth mindset is not about turning your back on the past. It's about looking at your past and past experiences as tools that are available to you in the present.


You might want to revisit those moments and think about how they impacted you, but this is not necessary to maintain a growth mindset.


Instead of focusing on the negatives of your past which can lead to mistakes, focus on the positives. And instead of making excuses for yourself, take responsibility for where you are now.


Ask yourself what you would do if you had the same situation as you did in the past, and make the necessary adjustments for better results now and in the future.

Want to explore more about changing your mindset? Read all our related articles here.

Table of Contents
  1. Choose Your Words Carefully
  2. What is a Mindset?
  3. What is a Growth Mindset?
  4. Change Your Words, Change Your Mindset
  5. 10 Extremely Powerful Changing Your Mindset Quotes
  6. Our Top 5 Recommended Books About Changing Your Mindset
    1. 1. The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris
    2. 2. Rebel Talent by Francesca Gino
    3. 3. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
    4. 4. Start With Why by Simon Sinek
    5. 5. Atomic Habits by James Clear
  7. The Most Important Thing To Change Your Mindset: Communicate Effectively
    1. Why is it Important to Communicate Effectively?
  8. Conclusion

Disclosure:  Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which can provide compensation to Personal Finance and Development at no cost to you if you decide to purchase. This site is not intended to provide financial advice and is for entertainment only.